

Plan or conduct art therapy sessions or programs to improve clients' physical, cognitive, or emotional well-being.

Jobs available locally


Demand Locally

+4 %

Annual Wage Range

$31,706 – $208,815

Formulate design concepts and presentation approaches for visual productions and media, such as print, broadcasting, video, and film. Direct workers engaged in artwork or layout design.

Jobs available locally


Demand Locally

+2 %

Annual Wage Range

$15,633 – $148,197

Teach courses in drama, music, and the arts including fine and applied art, such as painting and sculpture, or design and crafts. Includes both teachers primarily engaged in teaching and those who do a combination of teaching and research.

Jobs available locally


Demand Locally

+1 %

Annual Wage Range

$50,998 – $214,067

Program Level:

Degrees, Pre-Majors/Transfer


Fine & Performing Arts


Creative & Communication Arts



Art Courses Links of Interest Faculty & Staff Apply Now


About the Program

This program is designed for students to earn their Associates of Arts (concentrations include Art, Digital Art and Liberal Arts). It also provides the foundation of core classes needed for those planning to transfer to a four-year program to major or minor in art. Our Arts program encourages creative exploration while developing technical proficiency and a thorough understanding of art throughout history. Courses are structured to transfer. Talk to a faculty member or your advisor for more information.

What will I learn?

Students will develop their artistic skill through a foundation of technical and conceptual approaches. Creative exploration is fostered in our courses, through the production of art and art-based research. Students gain hands-on experience in a variety of media ranging from 2-dimensional to 3-dimensional, traditional to digital and alternative. Art students learn about art in context with time, place and culture from prehistoric through contemporary art. Our courses in studio art, art appreciation and art history prepare students for a life of creative possibilities.

What can I do with this course of study?

Art majors can pursue a career in an array of creative or art-related fields. Support your practice as an independent studio artist, production artist, illustrator and photographer. Find employment in art education or enter the advertising and commercial art fields including graphic design. Work in a museum or gallery setting, contribute to public/community art programs or secure a position in arts administration. Build a strong foundation to continue your education in a Master of Fine Arts program, pursue further training to become an art historian or art therapist. This is a small selection of the opportunities available to those focusing on the arts.

What is special about this program?

Our studio courses provides hands-on instruction in small class sizes, structured for technical and conceptual exploration. Any student can enroll in an art class, regardless of intended field. Our professional faculty of practicing artists are here to support students every step of the way along their creative path. We have an active schedule of visiting artist talks throughout the year to inspire our students and connect them with professionals in the field. The Palmetto Center for the Arts houses a wonderful exhibition space that features four rotating shows from professional artists and an opportunity for students to showcase their own work in the annual juried exhibition each summer.


Available Courses:

Course Descriptions

Arts 1301 / Art Appreciation

Arts 1303 / Art History Survey (Pre 1300)

Arts 1304 / Art History Survey (Post 1300)

Arts 2346 / Ceramics I

Arts 2347 / Ceramics II

Arts 1311 / Design I (2-Dimensional)

Arts 1312 / Design II (3-Dimensional)

Arts 2348 / Digital Art

Arts 1316 / Drawing I

Arts 1317/ Drawing II

Arts 2316/ Painting I

Arts 2317 / Painting II

Arts 2356 / Photography I (Fine Arts)

Arts 2357 / Photography II (Fine Arts)

Arts 2333 / Printmaking I

Arts 2326 / Sculpture I




Rachael M. Bower

Esteban Delgado

Tim Jones

Diana Kersey

Jimena Marin

Paul Northway

Jack Robbins

Contact Us

Diana Kersey
Department Coordinator



Klarissa Rizo
Admin. Specialist



Rachael M. Bower
Academic Chair

